We are the ones we have been waiting for – Hopi prophecy

Welcome to the first day of 2012.

I awoke this new year morning with a new sense of purpose and determination to take action. Shine the light brighter. Make a difference. And see who will come on this journey with me.

In the past I never could understand what “blogs” were or why people would want to journal publicly and why the public would want to witness it. But I’m beginning to get it. Hopefully I can develop a sense of self and community as it relates to our collective waking dream. Namely to live in a perfect world. Exactly what that means to us is what I plan to explore.

I like the fringe. I love to examine consciousness. I’m a psychoceramic researcher. And I feel that the simple and direct truth, is relative and complexly woven into even the tallest of tales.

Ultimately we decide what to believe and collect and adorn our mental topography with. Hopefully it becomes a living and  outrageously provocative work of imaginary art.

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